{"Column Name":"country","Meaning":"English name of the country title case."} {"Column Name":"date","Meaning":"Date in Year Month Day Format"} {"Column Name":"title","Meaning":"Title of the Statment ex: The President's News Conference at the LBJ Ranch"} {"Column Name":"text","Meaning":"Paragraph level text data in the country's national language"} {"Column Name":"URL","Meaning":"URL of the page that was scraped"} {"Column Name":"executive","Meaning":"Name of the executive"} {"Column Name":"type","Meaning":"Metadata on the kind of communication ex: speech"} {"Column Name":"language","Meaning":"Language of the text is written in"} {"Column Name":"isonumber","Meaning":"ISO-3 Numeric"} {"Column Name":"gwc","Meaning":"Gleditsch & Ward Character"} {"Column Name":"polity_iv","Meaning":"Polity IV character country code"} {"Column Name":"polity_v","Meaning":"Polity V character country code"} {"Column Name":"vdem","Meaning":"Varties of Democracy (V-Dem version April 8, 2018)"}